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It's What You've Been Missing

Nobody's perfect, yet we've learned that we can all have a relationship with the One who sees us through our imperfection and still loves us. We strive to be more like our Heavenly Father and live a lifestyle of love, grace and forgiveness. We welcome you if perhaps you'd like to grow to be more like Him together with us.

Service Times

9 AM - Adult Classes
10:15 AM - Main Service - Sanctuary
10:15 AM - MAG Kid's (K-5th grade) Lower Level
Nursery & Preschool provided

6:30 PM - Something for Every Age
    Adults in Main Sanctuary 
    Students (6-12th grade) - Student Building
    Royal Rangers (Boys 3-12th grade) - Family Life Center
    Girls Ministries (Girls K-12th) & Ranger Kids (Boys K-2nd) -
       Lower Level
    Nursery - Room 125
    Preschool - Room 113

Click for Campus Map



Families can be complicated, we get that, but complicated is good. We value the multi-generations, various cultures and even the different places we all are in our walk with Jesus. We draw on our differences to nurture an environment of family. We'd love to invite you to join us in the family of God at Miamisburg Assembly of God.


Come as you are. We less concerned about how you are dressed but more about what drew you to us and how we can help you live your best life in God. Do you have a question? Ask someone at Connections Desk in our lobby before or after service to help you.


Let's get signed in! Upon arriving, make your way over to our Kid's Check-In in the Lobby. We'll be happy to let you know what happens in each area of ministry and answer any questions you might have. More detailed info Nursery/Preschool and Kids.


6th-12th graders make up the "YTH" at Miamisburg Assembly of God and have a burning mission to Revive our region. Relationships are developed through large volumes of FUN, solid and relevant ministry of the Word of God, activities and just hanging out.

Pastor Tim and our team of leaders create a safe place for your students to be accepted and grow.


We believe that worship is an interactive, corporate experience. You're invited to sing along, lift your hands and even come to the altar during this time if you feel comfortable with that. We are lifting up the Creator of the universe and are thankful to be able to express ourselves in this way.

